
SUNRISE III mission completed and landed safely

  • TopSliderSolar Telescopes

The balloon-borne 1-meter solar telescope SUNRISE III, launched in the early morning hours of July 10, 2024 from the Esrange Space Center…

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High-spatial resolution images were captured on July 10th, 2023, using the Improved High-resolution Fast Imager

Unveiling the Hidden Secrets of Sunspot’s penumbra

  • Scientific InstrumentationSolar Telescopes

The formation of sunspot's penumbra, a fascinating phenomenon on the Sun's surface, has long intrigued scientists. Thanks to cutting-edge instruments…

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CCI Report 2022

Anual CCI Report 2022 published

  • Solar Telescopes

The annual report for 2022 of the international scientific committee (CCI) of the astronomical observatories on the Canary Islands has been published.

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VTT Entrance window integrated

  • Scientific InstrumentationSolar Telescopes

VTT Entrance window integrated

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The SUNRISE telescope on the hook of the crane vehicle just before the launch (left), the mission balloon ready to be released (center) and in flight just after the launch (right).  Image: KIS, A. Bell.

SUNRISE III mission launched on its journey along the Arctic Circle ...

  • Picture of the MonthTopSolar Telescopes

... but unfortunately terminated in a few hours after the launch because of a mechanical damage caused during lift-off. Stay tuned!

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Call for Observing Proposals 2022B (July 13 to December 2, 2022)

  • TopSolar Telescopes

Call for Observing Proposals 2022B (July 13 to December 2, 2022)

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First remote campaign with VTT

  • Solar Telescopes
Nature of the campagin: Technical and maintenance
Project:Jets in the Solar Atmosphere (DFG), Markus Roth
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Observation plan 2022A

Observation plan 2022A

  • Solar Telescopes

Observation plan 2022A

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GREGOR Telescope on ice

Maintenance work during winter

  • Solar Telescopes

Winter in Izana

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October 2021: GREGOR main mirror recoated

  • Solar Telescopes

During the maintenance in October 2021, the GREGOR main mirror was recoated and the telescope optics realigned.


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