The Institute for Solar Physics (KIS) operates solar observing facilities for its own research and for the solar community in Germany and other countries. The institute's prime facilities are the German solar telescopes at the Teide Observatory of the Instituto de Astrofĭsica de Canarias (IAC) on Tenerife, Spain, with Europe's largest solar telescope GREGOR and the Vacuum Tower Telescope (VTT).
From the 1940s to the 1980s, the institute operated the Schauinsland Observatory (near Freiburg) as a research facility. It is now exclusively used for teaching and public outreach purposes.
From the 1950s until 1988, the institute operated the Solar Observatory in Anacapri, Capri, Italy.
Teide Observatory Tenerife

The Canaries are a world-class site for astronomical observations. Observations of highest quality are possible because of a favourable climate and calm air. Since 1972, KIS and its partners have been operating various telescopes at the Teide Observatory. The Vacuum Tower Telescope went into scientific operation in 1989. GREGOR started its science operations in 2013.