Dept. Solar & Stellar Astrophysics
N.N.The Department for Solar & Stellar Astrophysics consists of three research groups: Solar Physics, Solar-Stellar Connections, and Science Data Center. They carry out fundamental research and provide service for the community in data analysis and management.
Solar Magnetism
Dr. Gregory Fleishmann
Solar magnetism is a central focus at the Institute for Solar Physics. The sun is studied through the entire atmosphere. The work includes theoretical and experimental studies. The solar atmosphere is investigated with special solar telescopes.
Solar-Stellar Connections
Dr. Petri Käpylä
Understanding stellar activity driven by the magnetic dynamo and MHD processes and its influence on the interplanetary environment and planets is the motivation for the research on solar-stellar connections.
Science Data Centre
Dr. Peter Caligari
The Science Data Center (SDC) conducts research in the field of solar data analysis and supports the serviceto store, access, analyse and archive solar data produced by a heterogeneous group of scientific instruments.
Dept. Observatory & Instrumentation
Dr. Jozef BrulsThe Department for Observatory and Instrumentation consists of the two research groups Solar Telescopes and Scientific Instrumentation. They carry out fundamental and applied research and operate solar observing facilities.
Solar Telescopes
Dr. Rolf Schlichenmaier
The group Solar Telescopes develops and operates facilities for solar observations. The main task of the group are the German Solar Telescopes GREGOR and the Vacuum Tower Telescope at the Teide Observatory on Tenerife.
Scientific Instruments
Dr. Jozef Bruls
The group Scientific Instruments develops opto-mechanical systems for Earth-bound solar telescopes, balloon-borne telescopes, and for space experiments.