Etalon integrated into Visible Tunable Filter - Lab Acceptance Test started
A few weeks ago, the etalon, the heart of the Visible Tunable Filter (VTF), was installed in the VTF. This week, the Lab Acceptance Test of the…
KIS/SDC contribution to the Horizon2020 ESCAPE project and beyond
KIS/SDC has been the EST representative within the Horizon2020 ESCAPE consortium of ESFRI projects. In January 2023, the current ESCAPE funding is…
SUNRISE III mission launched on its journey along the Arctic Circle ...
... but unfortunately terminated in a few hours after the launch because of a mechanical damage caused during lift-off. Stay tuned!
Prof. Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina appointed as new Director of IRSOL
Prof. Dr. Svetlana Berdyugina has been appointed as Scientific Director of IRSOL Istituto Ricerche Solari “Aldo e Cele Daccò” in Locarno and affiliate…
First Light for SUNRISE III at the Arctic Circle
The balloon-borne 1m solar telescope SUNRISE III has reached an important milestone: First light at the launch site in Sweden for the telescope and…
July 2021: Extension of the Board of Directors
As of July 1, the Leibniz-Instituts für Sonnenphysik Board of Directors has three instead of two members, with the third area being referred to as…
Construction work on new KIS building has begun
At the end of last year, the time had come: construction of the new KIS building officially began on December 12, 2020. Until the end of the year,…