Board of Directors
The Board of Directors manages the Foundation and conducts its businesses. It is responsible for ensuring that the Foundation fulfils the tasks assigned to it under the Statutes and Rules of Procedure and implements the resolutions of the Foundation Board.
The Board of the Foundation consists of the two scientific department heads as Directors and the Director of Administration and Technical Services. Currently, the function of Managing Director is assigned to the Director of Administration and Technical Services.
Acting members of the Board of Directors are
N.N., Managing Director
Scientific Director and Department Head Solar and Stellar Astrophysics
Prof. Dr. Hardi Peter, Scientific Director
Department Head Observatories and Instrumentation
Dr. Johannes Heilmann, Director of Administration and Technical Services
Department Head Administration and Technical Services
Dr. Jozef Bruls is appointed as permanent representative of the Scientific Directorate and is authorised to sign externally.
Board Office
The Board Office supports the work of the Board of Directors in scientific and administrative matters.
Members of the office are:
Scientific Board Officer: Dr. Jo Bruls
E-Mail:, Phone: +49 761 3198-0
Administrative Assistant: Judith Blank
E-Mail:, Phone: +49 761 3198-0