
SUNRISE III mission completed and landed safely

  • TopSliderSolar Telescopes

The balloon-borne 1-meter solar telescope SUNRISE III, launched in the early morning hours of July 10, 2024 from the Esrange Space Center…

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berufundfamilie logo with golden ribbon

Responsibility in action: KIS receives honours award for family-friendly policies

  • TopSlider

Once again, KIS has been awarded the berufundfamily certificate. The honours certificate is given in special recognition of long-term, sustainable…

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DFG application from the Solar Magnetism research group approved

  • TopSolar Physics

The German Science Foundation (DFG) has approved on 3. June 2024 a proposal by Dr. Juan Manuel Borrero (PI) and Dr. Ivan Milic (Co-PI) from the Solar…

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An image of the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope together with the VTF Etalon.

World's largest imaging spectro-polarimeter arrived on Maui.

  • Created by Matthias Schubert
  • TopSliderScientific Instrumentation

The Institute of Solar Physics (KIS) in Freiburg develops high-tech research instruments that are unique in the world. Freiburg researchers are…

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First Stokes inversions in full agreement with Gauß law

  • TopSliderSolar Physics

Scientists at KIS infer the first solenoidal magnetic field on the solar atmosphere

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The VTF frame in the otics laboratory at the DKIST telescope.

VTF integration started at DKIST on Maui/Hawaii (early January 2024)

  • TopScientific Instrumentation

At the beginning of 2024, the VTF team was able to fly to Maui/Hawaii and start integrating the VTF into the DKIST telescope.

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The complete VTF in the laboratory in Freiburg.

VTF arrives in Maui/Hawaii - a long journey comes to an end....

  • TopScientific Instrumentation

The largest project at our institute has entered its final phase. The KIS has developed and built a high-precision measuring instrument for the new 4m…

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E. Lilienthal at the GREGOR telescope

Eckart Lilienthal visits German Solar Observatory on Tenerife

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The head of Department 711 (Universe and Matter) of the BMBF, which is responsible for KIS, visited the Observatorio del Teide on 26 September 2023.

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Screenshot of SDC's web search interface, which is now a modern single-page application.

SDC now based on Rucio/dCache with a significantly upgraded website.

  • TopSDC

SDC's foundation is now based on Rucio/dCache for data management and storage and got a new modern single-page application for querying data over the…

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View of the scientific facilities on the Teide plateau after the forest fire events of August 2023

OT in Tenerife remained unharmed by forest fires thanks to IAC and emergency services.

  • Top

Thanks to the prudent actions of the IAC and the selfless efforts of the rescue workers and fire brigades, the scientific facilities on the Teide…

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