Astro Lab in Ancient Solar Observatory on Schauinsland

For the first time since 2019, the Astronomical Lab Experiment was carried out in the ancient Solar Observatory on Schauinsland.

As a master lab course of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Freiburg, the AstroLab (Astronomisches Praktikum) was offered by KIS to interested students in the week of July 22 -25, 2024. The students had hands-on opportunity to use a solar coelostat which feeds a refractor lense having a focal distance of 13.5m to observe the sun. In the focal plane the solar disk amounts some 12 cm. Using a field stop in the focal plane, a small field-of-view was fed into the powerful Littrow spectrograph. Using articial emmission spectra of Sodium and Mercury, the students observed in different orders of the blazed grating, and determined the dispersion, the grating constant and the spectral resolution at each order. Using these grating properties the student task consisted in measuring the differential rotation of the sun.

Pictures from Lab Experiment